[APNS-334] Teenage delinquent girl gets fucked and turned into a sex doll by perverted men. I was used as their comfort woman... Momo Shiraishi

ヤンキー女学生を調教肉人形に堕とす 私は下卑た輩達の慰み物にされました... 白石もも


Released date:2024-02-24 ID:apns00334 ID(DVD):APNS-334
Actress(es): 白石もも
A beautiful young girl named Momo attends school where she holds high status due to her popularity among boys. Her older boyfriend is somewhat of a delinquent and enjoys teasing others at their expense, particularly a younger classmate named Saej whom he often bullies. As time passes, Saej develops twisted feelings of love and revenge towards Momo. One day, armed with a drug obtained online, Saej attacks Momo while she's unconscious and vulnerable. Seeing her defenseless form triggers something within him; he loses control and begins violating her body passionately. Unbeknownst to them both, other men who harbor resentment towards Momo's boyfriend join in on the act, forming a perverse circle of lust and retribution.