[ROE-164] Family Home Days - Intimate Relations With Mother (Japanese)

家族皆が巣立った実家で、母と過ごす近親相姦の日々ー。 七月りな


Released date:2023-09-22 ID:roe00164 ID(DVD):ROE-164
Actress(es): 七月りな
Studio: Madonna Label: MONROE Director: 太宰珍歩
Born as the second son to a family of three brothers, Kenta was always seen by his mother Rina as a quiet, easygoing child who didn't assert himself much. However... when his older brother moved out for work and his younger brother left for baseball boarding school, Kenta found himself living alone with just his mom. Their once lively household became eerily silent, leaving Rina feeling lost. Seeing her distress, Kenta felt guilty and empty, yearning to reclaim the love and affection he had never fully experienced before. Determined to make things right between them, he decided to take matters into his own hands...