[PKPD-260] Intimate Moments with Yuuri Kiryu - A Night Alone Together

完全プライベート映像 業界NO1性格イイ女優・桐香ゆうりちゃんと初めての二人きりお泊まり


Released date:2023-09-30 ID:pkpd00260 ID(DVD):PKPD-260
Actress(es): 桐香ゆうり
Yuri Kiryu is universally loved by everyone in the industry. Not only is she kind but her personality is just too cute! She always greets us with genuine smiles that never hide any lies or deceit, even when we know she must be tired. Before you realize it, men are drawn to her charm and can't help but fall in love. Women even want to cheer her on. Given the chance to spend one night and two days filming a private creampie shoot with such a lovely girl, there was only one thing to do - etch this cuteness forever into our memories.