[DLDSS-231] My Wife Exposed - A Faithful Wife Shared by Her Husband (Feat. Hibari)

真心込めて撮った私の妻をお見せします。 ~他の男とハメさせても会社役員の私の嫁は浮気なんてしない~ 聖ひばり


Released date:2023-10-26 ID:DLDSS-231 ID(DVD):DLDSS-231
Actress(es): 聖ひばり
Studio: DAHLIA Label: DAHLIA Director: 木村浩之
As a successful company executive, my life was filled with happiness alongside my lovely wife, Hibari. However, I secretly harbored a desire to share our intimate moments with someone else. Unable to resist any longer, I filmed us having sex without her knowledge and uploaded it online. To my surprise, the video gained immense popularity, receiving numerous comments on various websites. When I confessed this to Hibari, she initially disapproved but eventually agreed to fulfill my wishes if it made me happy. We began creating more elaborate sex videos together, incorporating different themes and costumes. One day, we received a message from a mysterious man suggesting a threesome. Excited by the prospect, we eagerly embarked on this forbidden journey despite never expecting such a thing to happen to us...