[MFO-040] Worldwide Yariman Chain! Introducing Your Favorite Sex Friends. AV Actors & You Can Do It Together! Let's Spread the Joy of Being a Yariman! ACT.2

【配信限定】「ヤリマンのお友達紹介して下さい。」AV男優とヤッていいとも!数珠つなぎ 世界に広げようヤリマンの輪っ!ACT.2


Released date:2023-10-27 ID:1mfo00040 ID(DVD):MFO-040
My horny friend wants to hook up with an AV actor! Can you introduce some guys who are really good at sex? We can do a chain introduction where each friend introduces their own friends who are all part of the yariman (male porn star) world. They may have lots of experience but they're not just showing off; they'll make you scream with pleasure like never before! In this episode, we've got a 10-link chain of amazing sex partners - ACT.2
「AV男優とやってみたい!」という性欲強めなお友だち、出来ればヤリマンを紹介してくれませんか?という事でお友だち紹介リレー!数珠つなぎ!!ヤリマンの友だちはみなヤリマン世界に広げようヤリマンの輪ッ!経験人数多いのは伊達じゃない!!でも「す、すごいぃ!やばすぎ!こんなセックスはじめてぇええ」の絶頂!10人数珠つなぎ ACT.2