[JUQ-411] Tokyo Conquest - Virgin Sacrifice to Married Woman by Netizen Meeting Chance

ネトゲで偶然知り合った人妻に童貞を捧げるオフパコTOKYO遠征 一乃あおい


Released date:2023-11-10 ID:juq00411 ID(DVD):JUQ-411
Actress(es): 一乃あおい
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: 真咲南朋
If you come to Tokyo, I'll take away your virginity. One-way ticket costs ¥7,000 round trip about ¥8 hours. It was quite a lot of money for someone like me without a job. But meeting her and having sex with her were worth every penny. We met six months ago through an online game where she went by the name 'Ao'. As he rode the bus towards their destination, his excitement grew. And when he finally saw her at their arranged spot...