[RD-1207] Wife's Lewd Drama - Sucked by Her Brother-in-Law's Mouth After Funeral

熟妻卑猥ドラマ ゴミだらけの隣のオヤジの部屋で熟れた体を… 法事の後、義理の兄に陰部を吸われた未亡人


Released date:2023-11-30 ID:149rd01207 ID(DVD):RD-1207
Series: 熟妻
Studio: Athena Eizou Label: ATHENA Director: 村山恭助
A newly arrived housewife from Kyoto finds solace in her neighbor man when her husband is away on business. However, one day she becomes aroused by his resemblance to her deceased wife. Despite her protests, he forces himself onto her, calling her dirty names while violating her body. At her brother-in-law's suggestion, she moves back to their hometown after attending her late husband's seven-year memorial service. When discussing this decision, her brother-in-law suddenly proposes marriage and asks if they should move together to Fukui. She reveals that her husband plans to divorce her eventually but admits she still has feelings for him. He persists, claiming he loves her and can't live without her. As he continues to touch her intimately under her mourning clothes, she begins to respond despite her initial resistance. Eventually, she begs for more, unable to resist his persistent advances.
京都から越して来たばかりの人妻は、出張で夫が不在の中、隣に住む男に優しくしてもらっていた。その事が心の支えとなっていたのだが、ある日…。「初めて見た時から死んだ女房にそっくりで…、一度でイイから抱かしてくれ!」「なに言ってるんですか!」「今、奥さんとヤリたくて仕方ないんだよ!」「やめてぇー、アカンてぇー!」オヤジの万年床に押し倒された人妻は、その豊満な体を無理やりイジくられ…「そんな汚いとこ舐めたらアカン~!」。七回忌の法事を終えた未亡人は、義兄に今住んでいる家を手放して田舎に帰る相談を持ち掛けた。その話を聞いた義兄は突然彼女に抱きつき強引に…。「今、求婚されてるんだよね、その男と一緒に福井に行くのか?」「彼が、そのうち離婚するからって言うんで…」「俺はアンタの事が好きで、たまんないんだよ!」「お兄さん、やめて!」喪服の上から延々と股間を弄り続けられ…「足開いて俺にマンコ見せるんだ!」しつこい愛撫に体が反応して、言葉と裏腹に感じていく…「欲しい!もっと欲しいですー!」。 二話収録。