[SAN-211] A middle-aged pervert from her past shows up as a stalker - featuring Arisu Mizuki

昔付き合っていたキモオヤジがストーカーになって現れる話 水月ありす


Released date:2024-01-30 ID:h_796san00211 ID(DVD):SAN-211
Actress(es): 水月ありす
Studio: Mother Label: マザー(マザー) Director: 春花幸男
Water Moon Arisu was once involved with an older man when she was younger. However, his possessiveness and selfishness became too much for her to handle, leading her to leave him behind. She later married a man close to her age and found happiness in their relationship. But fate had other plans when her ex-lover unexpectedly reappeared before her eyes one day while she was out shopping with her husband. Despite trying not to get caught up in old feelings or involve her husband in any drama, Arisu couldn't help but feel drawn back towards the older man who still held some allure over her heart despite everything that happened between them years ago...