[MYWIFE-1405] Wife #1405 - Emily Takahashi

MYWIFE No.1405 豊川エマ


ID:MyWife No.1405 ID(DVD):MYWIFE-1405
Actress(es): 豊川エマ
Genre: Adultery Love
Studio: 舞ワイフ
In her late twenties, Emma has been married before but now finds herself single again after divorcing due to irreconcilable differences. She works at a cosmetics company developing products that help make women beautiful all over the world. Despite being busy with work, she always makes sure to take care of her skin and maintain her stylish appearance so she can serve as an example for her customers. One day while browsing through research papers related to beauty, she stumbles upon one that piques her interest – does falling in love really make women more attractive? Of course, dressing well, having good hair and makeup are obvious factors; however, what about simply being in love? According to the paper, not only do women tend to pay more attention to their overall appearance when they're in love, but there are also noticeable improvements in terms of skin texture, hydration levels, gut health, etc., making them even more radiant than usual. Intrigued by these findings, Emma decides to conduct her own investigation by gathering data from both women currently involved in relationships and those who aren't. Sure enough, the results show that women experiencing romantic love exhibit better skin quality and overall health compared to their non-loving counterparts. Determined to become even more beautiful herself, Emma turns to a dating website specifically designed for extramarital affairs in hopes of finding someone who can satisfy her desires and help her achieve ultimate beauty.
【プロフィール】 年齢:27歳 結婚歴: 【家族構成】 【身長・スリーサイズ】 T:166 B:92(G65) W:65 H:90 【出演理由】 アメリカ人の父を持つエマさん。普段はコスメメーカーで働き、世の中の女性を美しくするために商品開発に携わっている。忙しく働くが、お客のお手本になるために自身もお肌の手入れやスタイル維持の努力は欠かさないという。そんな彼女がある日、美に関する面白い論文を目にする。それは恋する女性は美しくなるのかというもの…。もちろん服装やヘアスタイル、メイクに気を付けるのは想像がつくが、恋をするだけで体の中身もキレイになっていくという。エマさんはその論文が正しいのか、恋愛中の女性を集め調査すると恋愛していない女性よりも肌のキメや潤い、腸内環境などキレイなことが判明!そして、エマさん自身もさらに美しくなるために、不倫サイトで疑似恋愛を求めた…。