[DVEH-026] Innocent but Sexually Abused JK & Tutor Combo! Two Friends and a Teacher Dominate Her with Their Humiliating Cocks! Satsuki Ena



Released date:2024-03-29 ID:dveh00026 ID(DVD):DVEH-026
Studio: Deeps Label: DEEP’S 3号店 Director: 雁塚茂道
Ena Satsuki, a stunning J-girl with top grades, has been dealing with stress caused by her peers' jealousy. When she feels overwhelmed, she often takes out her frustration on her childhood friend and neighbor, a college student with low academic performance, whom she bullies relentlessly. As their actions escalate, they discover that both harbor feelings for Ena. Enraged by this revelation, Ena subjects them to verbal abuse while performing humiliating acts such as spitting and public handjobs. Fed up with being constantly belittled, the two men decide to get revenge using aphrodisiacs. Note: Content may vary depending on the distribution method.
持ち前の容姿に加え成績優秀なJ○恵奈。それ故周囲のやっかみにストレスを溜めていた。そんな時は決まって低学力の幼馴染とお情けで家庭教師をやらせてもらっている近所の大学生をイジメることでストレスを発散するのだった。やがてその行為はエスカレート。2人が自分に恋心を抱いている事を知り恵奈は罵倒足コキ、公開手コキで嘲笑う。常に見下されていた2人は意気投合、遂に媚薬を使って恵奈に仕返しを始める、、※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『DEEP’S(ディープス)ストア』はこちら!