[ATID-594] Monitoring Lewdness: A Close Watch on My Private Life Until She Gets Pregnant

モニタリングレ●プ 粘着ストーカーに私生活を監視され続けて、女が孕むまでの一部始終。 優梨まいな


Released date:2024-03-29 ID:atid00594 ID(DVD):ATID-594
Studio: Attackers Label: in mad Director: ジャケン小玉
A man develops one-sided feelings towards a woman he happens to see on the street. He follows her and discovers her home address, then sneaks inside when she's not there, setting up hidden cameras to monitor her private life. Feeling unsatisfied, he decides to move into the same building as the woman. By chance, an empty room next door becomes available, allowing him to get even closer to his object of desire. As time passes, his desires escalate... until finally... !!! *Note that the contents may vary depending on the distribution method.
街で偶然見かけた女に一方的な好意を抱いた男。そのまま尾行して、女の自宅を特定。男は女が不在の間に部屋へ忍び込み、監視カメラを仕掛けて、私生活をモニタリング。それだけでは物足りなくなった男は女が住むマンションへ引っ越す事を決意。偶然空いていた隣の部屋で女を一番近い距離で監視し続けた。男の欲求は日を追うごとにエスカレートしていき…遂に…!!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『ATTACKERS』はこちら!