[ABP-911-leaked] Intimate Documentary Leaked Uncut Vol. 02

【無修正流出】密着ドキュメント FILE.02


Released date:2019-10-18 ID:ABP-911-leaked ID(DVD):ABP-911-leaked
In this exclusive documentary following Prestige exclusive actress Sakino Oto over a period of about one month, we get an intimate look at her life as she works in various adult entertainment venues to hone her skills and find her unique selling point as an AV actress. Standing at just 143cm tall, her small frame and angelic smile have captivated many men since her debut at age 19. Now 21 years old, she has appeared in over 20 films but finds herself questioning her worth amidst increasing competition from newcomers. Determined to stay relevant, Sakino decides to work in a massage parlor specializing in mat play and a lesbian-themed establishment to learn techniques that would set her apart from others. Through these experiences, she discovers new ways to please both herself and her partners, leading her on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This documentary follows Sakino as she embraces her passion for sex and prepares to take on the challenges of being an AV actress with renewed vigor.
プレステージ専属女優『乙都 さきの』による約1ヶ月に及ぶ完全密着ドキュメント!身長143㎝の小さなカラダと、天使のように愛くるしい笑顔で男たちを魅了する人気女優。19歳でAVデビューを果たし、21歳になった現在までの出演作は20作品を超える。順風満帆の活動を送っているが、新人が増えていく度に自分の存在価値について悩んでいた。今後AV女優として生きていくには自分にしかない"武器"が必要だと思った乙都は、男を喜ばせる技を磨くため風俗で働く事を決意。老舗のマットプレイ専門店やレズ風俗で自分に足りなかったエロテクニックを学び、今まで感じたことのなかった悦びを味わう。“誰よりもSEXが好きだから・・・”引退覚悟で挑むAV女優・乙都さきのとしての生き様をお届けします。【※数量限定の特典チェキは11/25のご注文分まで同梱とさせていただきます。】