[SENN-060] Home Sex Clinic Vol. 7 - Yuri Morishita

自宅性交クリニック 7 森下悠莉


Released date:2024-04-03 ID:1senn00060 ID(DVD):SENN-060
Actress(es): 森下悠莉
Studio: SOD Create Label: SENZ Director: 柏倉弘
In the field of sexual intercourse therapy, these girls work normally during their daily lives. They have started providing home visits for patients who cannot leave their homes due to various circumstances. This time, we follow Nurse Morishita as she performs a sexual intercourse treatment while giving a bath. *The contents may differ depending on the recording method.* Special Feature: Get ready for our 'Sod Creation Brand Store', filled with exciting deals and information about latest releases and sale items!
性交医療の現場で普段働く彼女たちが、様々な事情で家から出られない患者さんのためのご自宅訪問性交治療を始めました。今回は看護課2年目の森下さんが入浴看護での性交治療を行います。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『SODクリエイトのブランドストア』はこちら!