[JUQ-629] My In-Laws Run A Rape Household; Forced By Father-In-Law And Stepson, Raped For Seven Days - Mahiro Ichiki

夫の実家はレ×プ屋敷 義父と義弟に仕組まれ、犯●れた7日間 市来まひろ


Released date:2024-04-05 ID:juq00629 ID(DVD):JUQ-629
Studio: Madonna Label: Madonna Director: 木村浩之
Mahiro Ichiki, a young woman married to her childhood friend and brother-like figure Taro, finds herself reluctantly agreeing to care for his younger brother Shiro after receiving word that he had been injured and would need assistance for a week. Despite her discomfort around Shiro and the tense atmosphere at her husband's family home, she feels compelled to help out. However, upon arrival, she discovers that Shiro's injury was merely a pretext for him to indulge in his perverted desires towards her. Unbeknownst to her, food prepared by Shiro's father contains drugs that render her helpless, and she becomes the unwilling victim of a depraved live chat session involving other men seeking pleasure from both young wives and mature women alike...
幼馴染で兄の様に慕っていた夫と結婚して数年のまひろ。ある日、夫の実家から義弟の史郎が怪我をしたから1週間介護を頼めないかと連絡が入る。まひろは義父と義弟の視線、夫の実家の暗い空気感が苦手だった。渋々、夫の実家へ向かう事になるのだがその怪我もまひろを好き放題する為の口実に過ぎなかった。義父に振る舞われた食事の中に薬が混ぜられていて、まひろは抵抗を許されぬままレ●プ屋敷の餌食になって…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Madonna』はこちら!