[SONE-135] Why did you become a nurse? Because you can only fuck helpless men who love being ridden by cute girls like Minami Kojima.

私がナースになった理由は…無抵抗な男に跨り好きなだけ犯せるから。 小島みなみ


Released date:2024-04-05 ID:sone00135 ID(DVD):SONE-135
Studio: S1 No.1 Sytle Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE Director: キョウセイ
She's so horny that she can't help but drive men away! But isn't it great if she really loves having sex? When they first started dating, she used to tell him every day how much she wanted to have sex... She's unlike any other girl; her insatiable lust knows no bounds... That's why many guys left her because of the same reason. Even without a boyfriend, she gets so turned on that she can't help but masturbate until she cums. Is she a pervert for wanting it this bad? One day, while at the park, she overheard a conversation between two hospitalized male patients. One said, "Being unable to release my sexual tension during treatment is killing me." The other replied, "It's even worse when you share a room and can't masturbate either!" Hmm, these poor male patients must be going through hell not being able to have sex or masturbate while in the hospital. Well, maybe there's something I can do about that... Determined to satisfy their desires, she decided to become a nurse. Now, she takes advantage of their helplessness by fucking them mercilessly until both their needs are met. However, please note that the recording contents may vary depending on the distribution method.
性欲が強すぎて振られるなんてことあるの? 彼女がエッチ大好きだったら嬉しいんじゃないの? 付き合いたての頃は毎日だってエッチしたいって言ってくれてたのに…。 他の女の子と比べようがないけど メチャクチャ性欲が強い…らしい… 同じ理由で何人ものが男が私から離れていった… 彼氏がいなくてもエッチしたくてウズウズしてしまう私は変態なのかな? ある日、公園で病院に入院している男性患者の会話を耳にした。 「入院中って性処理できないからキツいよな」 「大部屋だとオナニーもできないしムラムラしてヤバいよ」 そっか、入院中の男性患者は セックスもオナニーもデキないのか…なるほどね。 無抵抗な患者の禁欲チ●ポに跨りたい一心で ナースになること決めた私は、 性欲が満たされるまで患者を犯しまくっています。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『エスワン ナンバーワンスタイル』はこちら!