[FPRE-046] Newcomer JCup National Treasure! Clothing Store Employee Aikawa Suzu AV Debut!

新人 国宝級Jcup!普段は身近なアパレルショップ店員 愛川すずAVデビュー!


Released date:2024-04-12 ID:fpre00046 ID(DVD):FPRE-046
Actress(es): 愛川すず
Studio: Fitch Label: プレシャス Director: キョウセイ
A very ordinary and familiar girl! But when you undress her, she's got Jcup juggernaut tits that are about to pop out of her shirt (laugh). Apparel shop employee Aikawa Suzu, who has a voluptuous body with big boobs like marshmallows, makes her AV debut! In high school, she was on the badminton team, and her hobby is camping. She's short at 150 cm but has a strong personality, never giving up. However, she's too sensitive and gets easily turned on by anyone, making her easy to get along with. This fresh-faced newcomer packs a punch with her national treasure-class tits that go wild during her first time on camera - a thrilling 160 minutes! Note: The contents may vary depending on the distribution method.
とっても普通で身近にいそう!だけど上着のボタンが弾けそうなほどパッツパツ(笑)脱がせてビックリ、卑猥に突き出すJcup爆乳のマシュマロボディを持つアパレルショップ店員の愛川すずちゃんがAVデビューします!学生時代はバトミントン部、趣味はグランピング、身長150cmで小柄だけど負けず嫌いな性格、でも敏感過ぎてすぐイカされちゃう誰とでも仲良くなれる今どき女子!大迫力の国宝級オッパイが暴れて跳ねる初々しい160分!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『Fitch』はこちら!