[GTJ-138] How the How The Reference How How How How How How How Refer " How How How How \ \ \ \ \ the \ \ the How How Howthe \ How How How the How How How the How How How How How How \ G How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How the the the the the the the the the the the How \ \ \ \ \ \ the \ the the \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ the \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

縛る 岬あずさ


Released date:2024-04-13 ID:gtj00138 ID(DVD):GTJ-138
Series: 縛る
Studio: Dogma Label: ゴールドTOHJIROレーベル Director: TOHJIRO
The sexy target is a woman named Azusa Misaki. I heard that she will retire from her AV actress career in the spring of 2024, and it was quite shocking at first. She had been filming "M-drugs" since last year's spring and then participated in consecutive SM nights in Osaka and Tokyo with great enthusiasm. It was hard to believe that such an energetic girl would actually retire. I shot my first video of Azusa about a year after her debut. It was an irrumatio video. She hated being restrained and tied up, so she was very noisy and stubborn back then. However, for some reason, this small and annoying girl joined the M female army and attended every SM night performance. After two years or so, she suddenly became more mature and elegant, transforming into a beautiful woman who could express vulnerability in the world of bondage. This shoot must be Azusa Misaki's final intense SM production! A collection of all her hard work over the past few years! The legendary rope master, Naga Akira-san, was consulted on the theme. They decided to focus on the challenging rear hand tie suspension technique, which they had previously used during a performance at New Art Theater in Shinjuku featuring Azusa Misaki, Kumo Tatsuya, and Narumi Riko. This technique involves tying the hands behind the back and suspending the person by their wrists, making them appear as if their shoulders are dislocated. Despite its difficulty and harshness, Naga Akira-san agreed to use this method for today's shoot. As soon as the shooting began, Azusa showed her true dedication and determination. The intensity of Naga Akira-san's punishment far exceeded anything Azusa had experienced before in terms of bondage. However, despite the challenge, Azusa managed to endure the pain and eventually reached climax while being suspended upside down and having her stomach tightly bound with a single rope. Azusa truly gave it her all in her final SM shoot, leaving nothing behind in the world of bondage. We salute you, Azusa Misaki, for your six incredible years of service! Remember that the content may vary depending on the distribution method.
あずさが2024年の春にAV女優生活に幕を下ろす話を聞き、最初はかなりショックだった。春に「Mドラッグ」を撮り、その後大阪、東京と連続のSMナイトもノリノリで頑張っていたから、本当に引退するなんて信じられなかった。 最初に俺があずさの事を撮ったのは、彼女がデビューして丁度1年ぐらいの時だったと思う。イラマチオビデオだった。拘束されて責められるのが嫌いで、とにかくうるさい、ヤンチャな小娘だった。最もSMには向かないと当時は思っていた小娘が何故かM女軍団に入り、毎回SMナイトの公演に参加してくれた。気がつくと、この2年ぐらいで急に大人っぽくなり、儚さも表現できる、縄の世界でも美しい女になってきた。 今回の撮影が多分、岬あずさとの最後のガチンコSM作品になると思う!! SMナイトで何年も頑張ってくれたSMの集大成だ!! 縄師はレジェンドの奈加あきらさんにお願いした。あずさとのラストSM作品で、どんな縛りをメインにするか、ずっと考えていた。撮影前日の夜に、フっと思いだした。1年くらい前の新宿ニューアートでやった、岬あずさと鵺神蓮との演目の事。後ろ手直進縛りで吊り上げていた。肩がはずれそうに見える厳しい縛りだった。撮影当日、奈加さんに相談し、今回のテーマを後ろ手直進縛りにする事を決めた。奈加さんが、かなり難しいし、厳しいが後ろ手直進縛りで、海老反りのまま吊り上げるのをやってみる事に決めた。撮影が始まってすぐに、あずさの本気、覚悟がハンパじゃあないと思った。奈加さんの責め縄の厳しさは、今まであずさが受けて来た緊縛とは比べものにならない位、ハードだったと思う。が、後ろ手直進縛りのまま、宙吊りされ、その状態で逆さ吊りされ、腹に縄一本入れられて引っ張られると、放物線描いて大量小便噴射しながらイキ狂った!! あずさは、本当に最後のSM撮影で、緊縛の世界で全てを出し切る事が出来た!! あずさ、本当に6年間お疲れ様!!’※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。