[AVSA-312] Revenge Fuck! Bossy Beauty Cries Out Her Heart in Agony - Yuna Mitake

プライドMAXフィジカルガチ強・美女上司 上から目線の高飛車女を復讐レ×プでガチ泣き絶頂地獄に突き落とす! 三岳ゆうな


Released date:2024-05-11 ID:avsa00312 ID(DVD):AVSA-312
Studio: AVS collector's Label: AVSCollector’s Director: 毒丸
A woman with an unbreakable spirit and indomitable body, she dominates her opponents both mentally and physically. Her perfect beauty and skills at work are matched by her intense training in martial arts after hours. Despite being highly sexual, she finds it difficult to connect with men who can satisfy her desires. This leads her to treat subordinates harshly while seeking release through massage appointments. However, even these encounters fail to fulfill her completely due to her arrogant attitude towards the masseurs. Unbeknownst to her, this behavior has fueled the desire for revenge among many men around her...
首絞めイラマで白目失禁絶頂堕ちした顔面にトドメのぶっかけ!精神的にも肉体的にも敵なしの強靭な女!! 『美しいカラダと顔、仕事は完璧。仕事後は格闘技で身体を鍛え、並みの男では相手にならない程のフィジカル。性欲は強いが自分に釣り合う男はいないと思っている。部下にはつい高圧的に当たりちらし、性欲の解消はもっぱら派遣マッサージで済ませているが、マッサージ師の男にも高慢ちきな態度を取り、喋る性玩具くらいにしか思っていない。そんな日々がゆうなへの復讐心を抱く男たちを育ててしまい…。」※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。