[REBD-843] First Steps! - Aoi Shirazu

Ao First steps!!・海老咲あお


Released date:2024-05-16 ID:h_346rebd00843 ID(DVD):REBD-843
Actress(es): 海老咲あお
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: あおのゆうこ
In this captivating production, our leading lady is none other than Aoi Himetani! Her innocent smile dazzles us, while her smooth, flawless white skin leaves us breathless. This G-cup beauty queen boasts an alluring figure that has been making waves since she first stepped onto the scene under the pseudonym Piyo Maru. After years of hard work and dedication, she finally made her debut in April 2024, shedding any remaining secrets about herself. The talented photographer REbecca was chosen to capture Aoi's highly anticipated nude images, setting the stage alongside a passionate crew. Despite her serious demeanor, Aoi throws herself wholeheartedly into every project, determined to deliver nothing short of excellence. And according to the director, they couldn't have asked for better results – the footage is simply stunning. Aoi reveals that she's always enjoyed being photographed, so she happily obliged when presented with various outfits and scenarios during filming. As she looks back on this memorable experience, there's no doubt that she's taken her first bold step towards an illustrious future in the entertainment industry. Join us as we follow Aoi's journey to stardom and witness her shine brighter than ever before!
本作の主演は海老咲あおちゃん!!屈託のない笑顔が眩しく、滑らかで澄んだ白肌が美しいGカップ美巨乳美少女だ!!V作品発表まではピヨまる名義で活動、2024年4月に晴れてデビューが決まり秘密のヴェールを完全に脱いだ業界の注目株。そのファーストヌードイメージを撮影する誉れ高い役目に任命されたREbecca、スタッフ陣も並々ならぬ気迫で現場をセッティングする。真面目な性格で一生懸命ひたむきに頑張るあおちゃん、監督も最高に良い映像が撮れたと太鼓判を押す抜群の出来栄えである。写真などを撮られる事がもともと好きなので、色々な衣装が着られて様々なシチュエーションで撮影が出来て楽しかったと笑顔で語ってくれた。輝かしい未来へ向けて踏み出したあおちゃんの記念すべき最初の一歩、スターダムへの道を共に歩もう!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。